Sunday, October 21, 2007

Lansdown 2

Alright, another week over. Sweet.

So before you read any further, I wrote this blog on Friday, but had to upload a video to YouTube, and then wasn't home very much/forgot to get around to posting this! oops. So go on, read Friday's post, a few days late.

This week wasn't nearly as stressful as last week, but I still had a lot to do.

Before I talk about that stuff, something I wanted to talk about last week but forgot about/ran out of time is the new Radiohead album. If you don't know about it, it's called "In Rainbows" and it was released as a digital download last Wednesday. What is so cool about this album is that as Radiohead fulfilled their 6 album contract with EMI they had the freedom to distribute their album however they wanted. So, they decided to do a two tiered system. You can preorder the box set, which comes with a plethora of stuff. The box set ships in December and has a set price. If you buy the box set you get the download as part of it. BUT, if you just want the download, you can pay anything you want. Literally anything, including nothing. Pretty cool. The album itself is awesome! So I suggest you check it out if you like their other stuff.

So, in the last week I have:

• Gone to a potluck
• Gone home
• Shot two rolls of colour film
• Shot four rolls of black and white
• Written one essay
• Written one midterm
• Developed 8 rolls of film

Well as you know if you read this, I have a radio show. If you want to listen, you can! Head on over to the CHMA and click to listen. You will need Real Player to listen. My show is from 5:00 to 6:00 PM on Mondays. I'm going to start posting my set lists for each week here so you can have an idea of some of the stuff I play and like. So here it is:

Yesterday my photo class when on a field trip to Fort Beauséjour as well as Amherst it was a lot of fun and I shot a lot of pictures. One of the primary reasons we went on this trip was due to how freaking nice it was yesterday.

In the week coming up I have to:

• Write a mid term
• Do some filming for the Owens Art Gallery
• Start making some prints for my photo class
• Develop more film (this doesn't seem to end)

Alright, well this week I've got a video I made of me cleaning up my room when I first moved back to school this year. So not only do you get to see my room, but you get to see it both messy, AND clean. The video has two sections, the first is speed up a lot, and the second isn't sped up quite so much.


Thanks for reading,

As always, if you have any questions, email me at:

Thursday, October 11, 2007



So I could have written a blog about my weekend, which was rather exciting and eventful on Monday, but some assignments snuck up on me and so I wasn't able to sit down to write anything until now.

So in the past week I have:

• Passed two assignments in
• Got an assignment back (A+ yay!)
• Shot 4 rolls of film
• Had 3 turkey dinners
• Bought two pairs of pants and a sweater
• Hosted another radio show (every Monday at 5!!)
• Watched 4 movies
• And wasted countless hours on the internet

I suppose I should begin where I left off? hmmm. Well on Thursday I stayed on campus all day. I was home for a total of 30 minutes between 8:15 AM and 11:30 PM. The reason I stayed on campus all day was to work on an essay that was due today (and yes, I finished it on time). The half hour I was home was spent eating supper as quickly as possible before going to film society to see Black Book. The movie was really awesome, with a considerable amount of twists that kept me guessing the entire film. I recommend seeing this film. After the movie I dashed of the Struts Gallery to see two art openings. Although I didn't stick around to mingle, the artwork itself was really awesome. After the art opening I made my way over to the library to do a bit more reading, but prior to that, I took some pictures. I'm not exactly sure how they will turn out, as I have been lagging a bit and haven't developed any film for a while. After the library I went to Amy's house for a cup of tea and then went home. It's really incredible how much you can do in one day when you don't sit around wasting time on the computer (something I do all the time).

My weekend was awesome, I saw "Forest Gump" for the first time, went shopping in Moncton and picked up some new clothing, and had three turkey dinners in a row. The first at a potluck, the next night I went to a friend from Sackville's house, and finally Amy's family's house on Monday. Out of all the stuff I did on the weekend, the potluck was clearly the highlight. Potlucks are quite awsome, because you make/buy/bring something that is generally not hard for you to do. The payoff is that everyone brings yummy food.

So after the weekend ended, I really had to buckle down to finish the two assignments I had due. I'll tell you about today, because, for the most part, it's the most interesting.

But before that I'll make another list:

• 3279 word written
• 4 cups of French vanilla instant coffee
• 3:30 - the approximate time I went to sleep on Tuesday and Wednesday
• 7:30 - the approximate time I woke up on Wednesday and Thursday
• 2 one hour naps
• 10 hours of sleep between 10:00 AM Tuesday and 11:30 AM Thursday

All to write two papers.

Today was the final part of my two days of busy busy work. I woke up at 7:45 AM to work on the last leg of my paper, and worked straight until 11:23 AM when I emailed it to my professor. I then went back to bed. I didn't set my alarm clock, or really make any intention of waking up at any time. I ended up sleeping until 3:30. Then I did various menial things such as laundry, eating, and cleaning up my room (which was a disaster) and then went to Film Society. Looking back on my day, the most interesting thing about it was that it was like two days. Especially considering 4 hours sleep is what I had for the last two days.

So you know how you randomly find funny stuff on the internet, whether it's YouTube, or just random images? Usually you might hear about it from a friend, or get it in an email. Well I have a friend who spends a lot of time on the internet, and especially forums. He links me to a ton of stuff, and I'm going to share a bit of that with you.

I should first tell you that he has recently started going to 4chan (Wikipedia definition) and since then, has been linking me to hilarious stuff. So here they are.

Then someone made the same one with pictures of real sharks.

So due to how studious I was this week, I figure I should show you an old video I made of me doing some homework.

Thanks for reading

As always, if you have any questions, email me at:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Another week slips by and so much has happened. Even though I am in my fourth year of university, I am still amazed regularly on how it seems like each week is so long, in terms of how much happens, yet so short, in terms of how quickly it goes by. Since my last post, I have:

• Finished my CHMA training
• Passed in an assignment
• Gone to a party for CHMA
• Filmed a lonely part
• Filmed another short
• Shot 1 roll of film (only :( )
• Developed 1 roll of black and white in the lab, and got two rolls of colour back
• Hosted my first radio show
• Presented my first photography assignment (projecting 20 slides)
and of course tons more.

In terms of the photos I just got back (colour) I can share some with you because I had them developed to CD so here are a few of my pictures:

That's the MTA library!

and then that tree reflected in a lens

The assignment I passed in was actually one of the most enjoyable assignments I've had to write since I came to school. It was a shot analysis for "Reading Films." So I had to choose one single shot from a movie (that means one single take from the camera, so no switching angles, or cuts of any sort), and analyse the shot for it's technical and creative elements.

On Saturday night Amy, Steve, Marianne and I ventured over to George's Fabulous Roadhouse for the annual (??) CHMA party. This party was quite a success as there were several of the major elements that are necessary for a fun party:

• Cheese
• Chips, and various salted bite size snack things (bugles!)
• Fruit and veggies with dip
• Pizza
• Music
• Guitar Hero (a game I had played once prior to Saturday)
• Karaoke
• Trivia
• Prizes

The food is self explanatory, except a shout out goes to whoever bought Bugles, cause they rule. Mark Brownlee (music director at CHMA) provided the music, and it was awesome, I was especially excited about Mark playing the new National CD, as I hadn't heard if yet. So yeah, Guitar Hero, I'm sure you are sick of hearing about it, but I had a lot of fun playing it for a wee bit, although I can see how the game might get repetitive eventually. Oh yeah! prizes! I won a sweet t-shirt for answering the trivia question "was Bambi a boy or a girl?"

In other CHMA related stuff, I hosted my first radio show which went rather well and was quite fun, but something I am currently more excited about is the volunteer work I am going to be doing for CHMA, in the form of reviewing new CDs for explicit content, and good tracks. This of course means I get to hear a bunch of new stuff, which is always great!

On the subject of new music, some music I've been pretty excited about in the last few weeks includes:

Pinback - Autumn of the Seraphs
Ulrich Schnauss - Far Away Trains Passing By
Kill The Lights - Buffalo Love
I'm From Barcelona - Let Me Introduce My Friends
Au Revior Simone - The Bird of Music

Finally, I will leave you with the lonely part I filmed. Generally skateboard filming involves two people, the subject and the filmer. Generally I'm the filmer, and so when I want to film tricks of myself I have to hope there is a filmer nearby, this is not usually the case. So because of this I decided to try filming myself using a tripod, it turned out really well. So check it out!

Click the image to watch the video in a new window.

As always, if you have any questions, email me at: